After so many weeks of inactivy (I have very good reasons i promise) i finally had the time to finish the CAD file for the enclosure and to get it printed at my local store in Alsace :)
Here is the final result. It is far from perfect unfortunately. I didnt plan for the support to get merged with some of the structure i designed. Also some of the structure were too small and had small hanging part, under which support material was still put and unfortunately ... i had to cut the whole thing to make it work. Here are a few thing that i would do differently next time :
On the left, i was too optimistic to have the small bump to guide the arduino mini pro ... unfortunately since there was hanging part over it, the bumps got merged with the support material ... i ended up remove the whole top part. Same issue with the one in the middle ... the support material added by the 3D printing software screwed the print. On the right, i made a different mistake to put the screwing hole for the temperature sensor above a another guide... i didnt plan for the support material for the screwing hole to merge with the structure below ...
Here are the pictures of the final result ! Let me know your thoughts or suggestions !
From aboce |
With the components |
With the lid |
Without the lid |